Despite its reputation, the Internal Revenue Service can be flexible in situations where you owe more in taxes than you can feasibly pay. The IRS will consider your unique set of circumstances and your ability to pay in terms of your income, expenses, and asset...

The decision to close a business's doors for good is never an easy one. However, it's important to keep abreast of compliance requirements before you say goodbye. That's why you should take time to visit the closing a business page of It's designed to help you...

Have you inherited an IRA following the death of the owner? Are you the spouse of the original owner? Is the account a traditional IRA, Roth IRA, SEP, or SIMPLE IRA? These questions and more will be important to answer....

While you cannot fully control whether the IRS audits you come tax season, there are measures you can take in an effort to lower your chances of being audited. It all starts with hiring a reputable tax accountant. If you prefer to file your own...

The IRS is encouraging taxpayers to make sure they're well-informed about their tax situation as the filing deadline approaches. The key topics include special steps related to charitable contributions, economic impact payments and advance child tax credit payments. Here are some key items for taxpayers...

If you find yourself short-staffed, there's no harm in calling a former employee who has retired. You won't jeopardize your pension plan's tax status if you rehire retirees. Nor is it a problem if you permit distributions of retirement benefits to employees who hit the...

Retiring early is a goal for many people. However, according to findings from the Boston College Center for Retirement Research, the average age of retirement has risen to 65.7 years old for college-educated men, 62.8 years old for college-educated women and around 62 years old...